Friday, September 4, 2009

New Top 25s

Im not doing one now, but I will next Tuesday.  I cant wait.  What makes mine different is that there will be radical changes and movements, unlike the AP poll.  Heres an example:

Notre Dame is 23 I think in mine now, and whatever in the AP.

If ND won by 1 over nevada, they would stay about the same, move ahead of some teams that were close and lost, whatever.

If ND won by 50, they would stay about the same, move ahead of some teams that were close and lost, same thing.

If ND loses, theyll drop out.

Well heres my example:  

If ND won by 1, they might drop out in my pool.  The only way would be the unlikely scenario that both teams looked really good, Nevada is a top 25 team, and ND is good despite winning by 1.

If ND wins by 50, and they legitimately look good, not just a result of Nevada sucking ass, Ill move ND into the top 10 right away.  I have no problems with that.

I dont know why other polls dont operate like this now that I think about it.

For example, last year, after Penn State manhandled Oregon State, I said "Penn State is one of the best 5 teams in the nation".  It ultimately was true, they were the entire season, and at the end they were one of the 5-7 best teams in the nation.  Going into the game against Oregon State, they were #19.  After winning by 31, they jumped all the way to........#17.  They werent ranked in the top 5 until week 7.  My goal is to do what I did last year - identify the potential Penn States, Alabamas, etc. early, and rank them accordingly.  OF course, with this enthusiastic outlook will come some "wrong" results.  I will rank teams in the top 5-10 that dont deserve it.  I will rank some teams in the top 5-10 that are not ranked in the top 5-10 in the AP that will ultimately be title contenders.  Those are the breaks.

Id rather do that then be a static piece of shit poll like the AP.  One that sets in stone and limits teams before they even play a game.  

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