Saturday, August 29, 2009

Why am I not in charge of ESPN Classic or other?

Why am I not in charge of ESPN Classic/ESPNU/some channel that shows classic college football?  I dont get it.  I realized this today when I was thinking about the Boise State vs ORegon game this Thursday.  Can I really be expected to give a thorough preview?  I saw Boise State like 3 times last year, Oregon even less times.  So what I said to myself was, "I wish they had last years game on ESPNU this week".  It doesnt seem like that extravagant of a request, since ESPNU has been showing games from 2008 ALL SUMMER.  Yet, this game has been excluded.  So I went through ESPNUs schedule for the next week, and there is nothing.  All of Monday and Tuesday is something called coaches spotlight.  Dont worry, Ill watch it and let you know how it is.  I can see it being really good, unless it is a repeat over and over (its on all day).  

So then I check ESPN Classic.  In the past, Classic has shown games from previous years of games that were to be played in the week.  So for example, for this week, they would show old FSU Miami games, last years Oregon Boise game, Rutgers Cinci maybe, and whatever good games of teams that are playing.  This makes more sense once conference starts, and the teams have 80 previous encounters or whatever.

Again, no Boise Oregon 08!   There is a lot of college football on though.  Which I like.  The games you could probably guess.  There is some good and some bad.  From now til Thursday Night, you have:

2002 Nebraska Mississippi Independence Bowl (I have no recollection of this game.  I can place it, its a year after Nebraska was in the title game.  It was a year before Miss played Oklahoma State in the Cotton Bowl.  Eli Manning was of course on Miss.  I even went to a Nebraska game this year - loss to Colorado, and I dont remember this game.

2004 Oklahoma LSU Title Game - this game sucks, but Ill enjoy watching SGB lose a game he was favored in, (and shouldnt have been in).

1983 Sugar Bowl  Pitt UGA  - Good game, but Ive seen it 1000 times.

1979 Sugar Bowl Penn State Bama  - I dont think I have ever seen this, maybe parts.

2003 Fiesta Bowl Ohio State Miami -- I honestly think this is an over rated game.  I mainly think this cause they fucked Miami big time.  How could you say a game is classic when a team gets so obviously screwed?  THat and I dont like Ohio State.  IVe seen this game 1000 times.

1998 Virginia Tech Miami - This is an okay game.  Its pre Vick, and not the season in which they go to the title game.

1996 NW USC Rose Bowl -- Pretty good game.  Keyshawn Johnson was obviously unstoppable.

1988 Oklahoma OKie State --- Never seen it, but looking forward to it.  Barry Sanders obviously is the main attraction.

2008 Oklahoma Texas - Obviously wrote a whole post about this game already.

1997 Sugar Bowl Florida FSU  --- Terrible Game.  Florida bombed it every play, and it worked.

1991 Miami FSU --- Wide Right I.  Definite classic.  Which brings me to this:

One of the best things Ive seen on youtube.  Its a ripoff of the 1986 Game 6 World Series to RBI baseball, but rules anyway.  I love Keith Jackson.  If they played that song after the missed it to the right in the stadium, that would be awesome.

So that is 11 games.  With no rhyme or reason.  Those are the best 11 games they came up with?  Theres some title games, some bowl games, some regular season games.  If you could pick 11 games from all time to watch - would you pick any of those?  How many?  Not to mention, they show the SAME games over and over.

There are some games that I would love to see again, or have never seen and would like to see.....

Where is ND Miami 88?  ND Penn State 92?  Where is Alabama Miami 92 SUgar Bowl?  Where is the Michigan Alabama Orange Bowl.  If I had to rank the best BCS games --- id put Michigan Bama Orange Bowl #3 --- behind 2005 National Title (which gets a little boost because of the fact it was for the title), and 2005 Rose Bowl (whatever year was Michigan Texas). This ranking puts them right ahead of maybe Boise Oklahoma.

Its fun, I might do this soon, to rank all the BCS games.  THe ones I would rank as the worst are probably, in no order:

Utah Pitt 05 (that is in order, that was the worst), UGA Hawaii 08, Oklahoma Wazzu 03, Colorado Oregon 02, Florida Maryland 02, probably LSU Illinois 02 and even the title game of 02 - Nebraska Miami.   It is undeniable that 01-02 was the worst year of BCS games.  Not even close.  Not one of them was good.  

I never saw the 07 Orange Bowl betewen Louisville and Wake Forest.  Some of the early BCS games are kinda fuzzy ---- I dont really remember Syracuse Florida 98, and for some reason I dont remember Miami FSU 04 Orange Bowl.  I dont know why.  Maybe Ill rank the 47 games sometime soon.  

BUt back to my point, why do they play this shittiest stuff on classic?  

Where is Penn State Miami 86?  Where is any game from 1994 other than Colorado Michigan?  Where is any game from 1995?  Where is the Nebraska FSU 1993 title game?  How many times have you seen any of these games?  Where is the Earthquake Game?  Instead, I have to watch part 1 and part 2 from youtube:

How come there are no Michigan ND 1987-1993 games featured?   Where is the game of the century - ND FSU 1993?  Where is the ND MSU game with Charlie Rogers and Arnaz Battle providing late fireworks (02?).  Where is ND Nebraska where Crouch scores the game winner?  Where is Nebraska Oklahoma 01 with the throwback play to Crouch?  

Where is Ohio State Michigan State 98?  Where is Ohio State Purdue 02?  Where is Northwestern Michigan whatever year it was whatever, 55-45?  (02?).  Where is Purdue Georgia Capital one Bowl?  Where are those Iowa Michigan games from the early 2000s?  Where is Penn State Minnesota 99? (This one is actually kinda on often).  

Seriously, where the fuck is Arizona State Ohio State Rose Bowl.  This could be a top 5-10 game of our lifetime, and Ive seen it maybe 3-4 times.  Not to mention, you get the absolute greatest Musburger of all time:

Just seriously take 10 mins out of your life and watch those highlights.  You get Musburger.  You get Vermeil.  The national championship is on the line for the Sun Devils.  If that lateral on the blocked field goal wasnt forward, that would have won the title for ASU. That would have been one of the greatest plays ever.  Snake Plummer was so cool under pressure.  Burger had the Sun Devils, which leads to the absolute greatest announcing moment of all time.  I wont ruin it if you never heard it - 6:17 - 6:27.

I kinda hate these youtubes, cause fanboys of a team post them.  So this fag from OSU posted this, and you get biased highlight footage.  

Musburger sounds more heartbroken that Plummer looks.

Ill leave it at that for today.


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